Organization Wide Defaults (OWD) and Sharing Settings

This is where you set default access for all objects. For example a lead can be viewed, edited or deleted by its owner but only read access to others.

Organization wide defaults

1. Search for sharing settings in quick find box and go to Security Controls => Sharing Settings.
2. You will see all default settings for all your objects.
3. Click on Edit, change settings and save.

Sharing rules

Using sharing settings you can further customize your OWDs for particular object and particular roles/ groups.

1. Search for sharing settings in quick find box and go to security controls => sharing settings.
2. Scroll down to see Sharing Rules separately for each object.
3. E.g. you can set up new sharing rule for Leads by clicking New button in Leads section.
4. Give it a name, define which records to be shared and with whom. Also define the access level e.g. read only or read write etc.


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