
Showing posts from June, 2017

Field Level Security

For example you have sales team having sales profile assigned to all sales members. A particular field has full read write access in this profile but you don’t want couple of users see that field. This can be achieved by Permission Sets. 1. Create a profile having access to that field. 2. Assign that profile to your sales users. 3. Create a permission set where you remove read write access for that field. 4. Assign permission set to those two users. Create permission sets Let see how to create above permission set. 1. Under manage users go to permission sets. 2. Click on New. 3. Enter name and label. Provide Salesforce license e.g. Salesforce platform. 4. Go to Object Settings. 5. Select object name e.g. Accounts. 6. Click Edit. 7. Under field permission section untick read and edit access. 8. Save. Assign permission sets to users 1. Under manage users go to users. 2. Click on a user name. 3. Click on permission set assignments. 4. Edit assignments. 5. Add re...

Role Hierarchy

Role defines the hierarchy in an organization where user higher in the hierarchy has all access enjoyed by the users lower in same hierarchy. E.g. a user with role as VP marketing will have full read write access to all records owned by user down the line. Role and Profile are two settings which define the access you have in your organization. You can create new roles by going to manage Users => Roles. These roles are then assigned to users.

Record Types

Sometimes different users, or teams have their own UI related requirements. E.g. team A wants to see some options in a drop down but team B don’t want those options. Similarly team A wants a field which team B don’t want or vice versa. Such cases in Salesforce are handled using Record Types. Create a record type: 1. Search for record type in quick find box, scroll down to object for which you want to create a record type e.g. Account => Record Type. 2. Click New. 3. Define label, and name. Keep existing record type as Master. 4. To start with enable it for all profiles. 5. Read carefully and fill other details. 6. Now create a new Account record. You will see a new intermediate screen (shown below) with a drop down to select the record type.


Workflows is a set of actions done when a criteria is met. E.g. sending email alert manager when employee creates new opportunity. Workflows are important part of process automation. 1. Search for workflow in quick find box and go to workflow and approvals => workflow rules. 2. Click on New Rule. 3. Select object name which this rules applies to. 4. In step 2 define rule name, situation when this rule fires, and rule criteria i.e. set of conditions. 5. Step 3: add workflow action. A workflow action could be New task Email alert Field update. Outbound message Or any other action you can select from existing actions list. 6. In last step define details for what you have selected in previous step e.g. if it is an email alert then define email details. Complete example: Suppose you create a workflow so that when a new opportunity is created or edited, system should automatically inform the manager that opportunity has been created / updated etc.

Approval Processes

This is where you set how the approval process going to work e.g. when an opportunity is being converted, this is to be approved by your manager first. Steps to set approval process: 1. Search for approval process in quick find box and go to workflow and approvals => approval processes. 2. Create new approval process. Use standard setup wizard. 3. Provide other details. 4. Select criteria condition. This is most important part. E.g. if an opportunity amount is greater than   1M, only then it will be sent for approval. Smaller opportunities will be auto-approved. 5. Click next to go to next steps. Most of the options are optional. Read carefully so that you understand what they mean. 6. Once you set up the approval process, try to create a record matching the criteria as defined in step 4 above e.g. create a new opportunity record having opportunity amount=1,000,000. 7. Save this opportunity record and scroll down where you will see that the approval status says sent f...

Organization Wide Defaults (OWD) and Sharing Settings

This is where you set default access for all objects. For example a lead can be viewed, edited or deleted by its owner but only read access to others. Organization wide defaults 1. Search for sharing settings in quick find box and go to Security Controls => Sharing Settings. 2. You will see all default settings for all your objects. 3. Click on Edit, change settings and save. Sharing rules Using sharing settings you can further customize your OWDs for particular object and particular roles/ groups. 1. Search for sharing settings in quick find box and go to security controls => sharing settings. 2. Scroll down to see Sharing Rules separately for each object. 3. E.g. you can set up new sharing rule for Leads by clicking New button in Leads section. 4. Give it a name, define which records to be shared and with whom. Also define the access level e.g. read only or read write etc.

Assignment Rules

There are two assignment rules: Lead assignments rules, Case assignment rules. 1. Search for assignment rule in quick find box and select Lead or Case rules 2. Create new rule. 3. Go to detail of that rule and define new rule entry e.g. when annual revenue is greater than $1M assign that lead to a specific user. 4. Try by creating a new Lead record with annual revenue greater than 1M. 5. You can assign Leads/ Cases to a user or to a queue. You can also send an email to the user informing that a record has been assigned to her. 

Creating Relations

1. One to one or look up relation: as explained in create new field section, you just need to create a field type as Look-up field. Once done you will be able to relate record in first object to some record in second object. 2. One-to-many: as explained in create new field section, you just need to create a master detail type field. In this case the second object becomes master and first one becomes detail object. A sub-section or subpanel will be created in second object displaying records in first object. 3. Many-to-many: there is no direct way in salesforce to define many-to-many relationship but this can be achieved by using junction objects. Junction object is nothing but two master details relations of two objects with a third object. So e.g. if you want to relate object A and object B as many to many, you first need to 1. Create another object C 2. Create master detail relation for A and C. 3. Create master detail relation for B and C. 4. Once done a subpanel of ...

Filed level validations

1. Click on the object in menu bar. 2. Click on the toggle link in right hand side and then on “View Validation Rules”. Alternatively you can search for validation in quick find box and scroll down to your object name. 3. Define rule name, scenario for validation and error message. 4. Click save. 5. Test your validation rule by creating or editing a record.

Customize page (object) layout

1.  Click on the object in menu bar. 2. Click on the toggle link in right hand side and then on “Edit Layout”. Alternatively you can                 search for layouts in quick find box and scroll down to your object name. 3. You will see a control panel where you can drag and drop fields to you page layout. 4. Optionally you can make a field read-only or mandatory by hovering on a field. 5. Finally click on save.

Create New Field

1. Click on the object in menu bar. 2. Click on the toggle link in right hand side and then on “View Fields”. 3. Go to custom fields and relationships and click New. 4. Select desired field type and click next. 5. Enter field label and name. 6. Set field level security by selecting all profile which this field will be visible for. You can select all to start with. 7. Click save and you are done. By default it is added to the object profile. Now if you go back to your object and create new record, you will see your new field.

Create Object

Follow these steps to create objects in Salesforce: 1. Search objects in quick find box. Click on Create => Objects. 2. Click on Create New Custom Object. 3. Enter required information and click save. You can leave other default values as it is. To show newly created object in main menu: 4. Search tabs in quick find box. Click on Create => Tabs. 5. Click on New button. 6. Enter object name from the drop down and tab style. 7. Click next and keep default settings. 8. Once done, your new object tab will be visible on menu bar. If there are already many objects in menu bar, your object can be accessed by using plus icon (+).

Change Logo

Follow these steps to upload logo for your app: 1. Search Apps in quick find box. Click on Create => Apps. 2. You will see a list of apps. Click on Edit link adjacent to your app. 2. Upload logo and click save. Note: You can only upload from existing images you have already uploaded in your Salesforce Documents module

Create your app

Note: don't get confused with mobile app. This is not a mobile app. A Salesforce app is a bundle of objects. E.g. if you are making a recruiting app then candidates, vacancies, applications would be objects in your recruiting app. Based on the subscription you purchase there are ready-made apps comes with Salesforce such as Sales, Marketing, Services etc. To create your app, follow these steps: 1. Search Apps in quick find box. Click on Build => Create => Apps. 2. Click on New. 3. Select Custom app which is a default option already 4. Go through each step carefully 5. Enter name (e.g. MyApp) and other details like which objects to be shown, profile visibility etc. 6. In visible section, select for all. 7. Finally Save. 8. Now go to the app drop in right top and select you app. Refer to screenshot

Start with salesforce

How to install Salesforce? It is cloud based application so nothing to download or install in your system. Just create your account on You can create multiple accounts using single email address by giving different usernames. Sometime email address verification email lands in spam folder. Make sure you check there too. After login, by default you land on lightening experience UI which is newly launched UI. For learning purposes switch to Classic experience. Now go to your developer account and then Click on Setup in top right corner. You’re now ready to start your customization. If you are lost and not able to find your work area, just select My Developer account.